The Rock And Roll O Logues

short stories about music

Location: Northampton MA


June 29 2007: The Mitchells, Fancy Trash - Paper City Brewery, Holyoke MA

I'd heard a rumor that for a nominal charge a person could drink all the beer a person could drink AND walk out with four bottles to go if a person were to find him- or herself at the Paper City Brewery on a friday night. And when Ben said that Fancy Trash was playing the deal was done. I drove down, parked in an alley paralleling a couple railroad tracks on one side and a canal on the other, walked through a mostly-unmarked warehouse door and ascended five mostly-unmarked flights of stairs until paradise was mine. The cover was six dollars. There were seven or eight Paper City brews on draft. Beer was free. People were enjoying themselves. There was a sign above the bar that read: NO CHUGGIN! THAT MEANS YOU!. Fancy Trash played a pretty great set. I had Ben's girlfriend Lauren all to myself for an hour.

Unfortunately times were so great that I had to force myself to leave at eight because I was all too well aware that were I to stick around I would find myself far to drunk to drive myself home. But I've presently ambitions to return every friday night for the rest of my life. Wow. Paper City. I have a newfound love for the city of Holyoke.


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