The Rock And Roll O Logues

short stories about music

Location: Northampton MA


September 6 2007: The Fawns, Alex Johnson - Sierra Grille, Northampton MA

I don't think I'd seen the Fawns since I finally got their album. And seeing as how they're maybe my favorite local group and this was a free show and I didn't have anything going on in the morning, I went to Sierra to see how music sounds over there.

Ran into Drew after the opener finished and we enjoyed the set from the back. The Fawns opened with "Any Day," and I think there are only a few pleasures greater than listening to Lesa sing the "la da da"s on that tune. And they played most of the rest of the album and a bunch of nice-sounding new songs. Drew got tired and wanted to leave after 45 minutes but I made him stay until they did "Snow Day," which he didn't know and which was pretty great. And then as he was leaving some girl walking by says, "Whoa fella, this pop music a little too much for you?" Which I thought was pretty funny.

So yeah - pretty great show. Enjoyed some O'Hara's stouts, which is my new favorite drink, and had a good time. And as always kind of funny to see Ken Maiuri playing with people who are not Dave Bazan.


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